If you are a High School Counselor or a Community College Counselor, this page was created with you in mind to assist you in your work with students. We understand that students ask you many questions pertaining to the different aspects of college and we want to make finding those answers easier. Navigate your way to information about our admission process, help students check their application statuses on the "Catamount Gateway," and be sure to register to receive our free to stay ahead on pertinent news and information at Western Carolina University.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, or if you want to speak to someone directly, please contact us, we would be pleased to work with you. Western Carolina University understands the importance of the job you perform and would like to say "Thank You" for the role you play in your students' lives.
The Office of Admission will evaluate each undergraduate freshman application once the application and required documents (official transcripts, scores, etc.) have been received. Please allow 2-3 weeks upon sending documentation to allow items to be processed.
Whether first-year applicants are enrolled in public, private or home school; North Carolina or out-of-state school systems; or high school equivalency programs, they must earn a high school diploma or its equivalent and satisfy the Minimum Course Requirements (MCR) as established by the UNC Board of Governors:
2 sequential world language courses are recommended, but courses can come from English, math, science, social studies, world languages, or computer science to align with academic and career objectives)
November 1: Freshman Early Action/Great Grades Guarantee application deadline for Fall Term.
January 2: Priority Action Freshman application deadline for Fall Term.
February 1: Regular Action Freshman application deadline for Fall Term.
May 1: Freshman enrollment deposit ($300) deadline for Fall Term.
Keyona Presha - Associate Director of Undergraduate Admission Recruiting
Heather Hill - Associate Director of Undergraduate Admission Regional Engagement
Jubilee Padilla - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name A - C)
Julia Mouer - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name D - G)
Isaiah Lunsford - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name H - L)
Bobby Moore - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name M - P)
Kylie Cox - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name Q - S)
Madison Puckett - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name T - Z)
Beth Owenby - Regional Assistant Director of Admission at A-B Tech
Jenny Milo - Raleigh Regional Assistant Director of Admission
Eddie Johnson - Charlotte Regional Assistant Director of Admission
The Office of Admission will evaluate each transfer application once the application and required documents (official transcripts, scores, etc.) have been received. Please allow 2-3 weeks upon sending documentation to allow items to be processed.
Applicants under 24 years of age will need to submit:
Applicants 24 years of age or older will need to submit:
November 1: Transfer student application deadline for Spring Term.
April 1: Transfer student application deadline for Summer Term.
April 1: Transfer student application deadline for Fall Term.
Keyona Presha - Associate Director of Undergraduate Admission Recruiting
Heather Hill - Associate Director of Undergraduate Admission Regional Engagement
Jubilee Padilla - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name A - C)
Julia Mouer - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name D - G)
Isaiah Lunsford - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name H - L)
Bobby Moore - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name M - P)
Kylie Cox - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name Q - S)
Madison Puckett - Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission (Applicant's Last Name T - Z)
Beth Owenby - Regional Assistant Director of Admission at A-B Tech
Jenny Milo - Raleigh Regional Assistant Director of Admission
Eddie Johnson - Charlotte Regional Assistant Director of Admission