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Graduate Research Symposium

Research and Scholarship Conference (RASC)

March 19-20, 2025


Emily Deem (left) and Dakota Taylor (right) presenting their posters at the RASC Poster Celebration on March 23, 2022

The 33rd Annual Graduate Research Symposium will be held in conjunction with the 27th Annual Undergraduate Research Exposition on March 19-20, 2025. This two day event will also showcase the Annual Faculty 3-Minute Research Competition and Faculty Scholarship Celebration.  All projects will be featured on our RASC website!


Presentation Formats & Instructions

  1. Develop your project and choose a faculty sponsor(s).
  2. Choose your presentation format - Poster Presentation or Oral Presentation. You are welcome to participate in both formats, but you can only submit one project per category.
  3. Review the instructions/expectations below and register by midnight on February 17th, 2025.
    RASC 2025 Registration has closed.
  4. Complete your project. For a poster presentation, upload in the Graduate Research Symposium Team's Classroom before midnight on March 12, 2025.


  1. REGISTER! 2025 Registration closed February 17th. 
  2. You will be assigned to a Team's Classroom once registration closes.
  3. On the Assignment tab in the Team's Classroom find the Poster assignment.
  4. Upload your poster in the Team's Classroom before midnight on March 12, 2025. Not sure how to upload in Teams?
  5. Print your poster if you plan on attending the Poster Competition - The recommended poster dimensions are 3 feet (36 inches) tall by 4 feet (48 inches) wide.
  6. Drop your poster off on the Ramsey Concourse Level on March 19, 2025 between 9:00am and 3:00 pm so we can display your poster.
  7. Be ready to find your poster (posters will be organized by college) and discuss your research with your peers and colleagues by 6:00 pm on March 19, 2025 on the Ramsey Concourse Level. We encourage you to tune into our Keynote Address that will happen before the Poster Celebration in the Ramsey Arena at 4:55 pm.

Expectations & Poster Celebration 

  1. Students must submit their posters in the Team's Classroom before midnight on March 12, 2025. The Team's Classroom will be available to you once you register. Late submissions will not be included in the Conference.
  2. Students are highly encourages to attend our in-person Poster Celebration on the Ramsey Concourse Level on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Posters must be printed and dropped off on the Ramsey Concourse Level on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 by 3:00 pm.
  3. 5 additional points will be added to the final score for students appearing in person.


Poster Awards

  • Graduate posters will be judged by a faculty panel. First place, second place, and People's Choice  winners will be awarded with cash prizes after the Poster Celebration. 


  • 1st Place: $300
  • 2nd Place: $200

Conditions apply. More details about the cash prizes and how a poster will be judged will be provided to students once registration closes.


  1. REGISTER! 2025 Registration closed February 17th. 
  2. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 19th 9 am- 3 pm.
  3. After registration closes on February 17, the Graduate School will schedule oral presentations for the rooms in the UC (via email). 
  4. Prepare to present your project for 15 minutes, with a 5 minute Q&A session at the end. 
    • You can use a PowerPoint or a static slide, but your presentation should focus on your ability to effectively communicate your research, plans, and ideas with others.
  5. Go to your scheduled UC room and present your research!


Oral Presentation participants will vote for the top presenters in their session. The top presenter from each session will be entered to win a $250 award. 


Schedule of Events: 

March 18, 2025

Projects are viewable on RASC site

March 19, 2025

Time Event Location
 9 am - 3 pm Oral Presentations University Center
5 pm - 6 pm Keynote Address Ramsey Arena
6 pm - 7:30 pm  Poster Presentations & Awards Ramsey Concourse Level

March 20, 2025

Time Event Location
11 am - 12 pm Faculty 3MR University Center - Grand Room 302
12 pm - 1:30 pm  Faculty Celebration & Lunch University Center - Grand Room 302


Explore the Archives

March 20-21, 2024

The annual Research and Scholarship Conference (RASC) combined the 26th annual Undergraduate Research Conference and 30th Graduate Research Symposium together in a two day celebration. This hybrid event showcased both virtual and in-person research, scholarship, and creative activities from undergraduate and graduate students, and Faculty-Student teams.

If you have any questions about the Graduate Research Symposium, please contact the Graduate School (grad@wcu.edu).