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Yet to get experience you must first find a job. It's a nasty catch that can be difficult to get around, but an internship is a good way to do it. College academics are just one part of preparing for a future career. New grads need to offer something extra to prospective employers. Thats where an internship comes in. An internship is an employment situation in which a student works (often for free) to gain hands-on experience. Internships offer valuable work experience and help you develop marketable skills and beef up your resume. Best of all, they can help you land a job after college. You can explore more about internship through the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) which provides additional information and resources about internship and career opportunities ( HYPERLINK "http://www.naceweb.org/internships/" www.naceweb.org/internships/). Gain Valuable Work Experience: An internship provides the opportunity to gain hands on work experience that you just cant get in the classroom. First time job seekers and career changers arent usually desirable candidates, but companies are willing to train them as interns and give them the experience they would need to get a job. Have an Edge in the Job Market: Employers are usually more concerned with your work experience than your qualifications and internships are often the only way to get the work experience you need to secure a job, so they're a vital part of your resume. Many employers prefer or require applicants who have done an internship or relevant work experience and in many of the more competitive job markets it is essential to set you apart from the others. Transition into a Job: Employers see interns as prospective employees and many finish their internships and continue working with the company full time. Internships are the number one way for employers to find new staff in the US. Think of it as a really long interview, after which youve proved that you are a capable and hardworking employee. Just as youre giving the industry and the company a trial run, theyre doing the same for you. Decide if this is the Right Career for You: If youre not sure if this is the right career for you, doing an internship is a great way to try it out. Internships are generally short-term, so you can test your future career without committing and find out if it is a career that will satisfy you. Networking Opportunities: Internships are a great way to meet people in your field. Even if you have experience, knowing people never hurts. An internship allows you to meet people who might help you land a job later on and give you the contacts in the industry youre trying to break into. Plus, references from people in the industry will really add weight to your application. Apply Classroom Knowledge: An internship can be seen as the pinnacle of your undergraduate education and give you the chance to use the skills you've learned in the classroom in a real-world setting. Its a chance to prove the worth of your qualifications and to show that you can perform in the role you've been given. Gain Confidence: Getting experience is a great way to build your confidence. What's more, if you have an impressive resume, you will be more confident in your chances of securing a job. After youve done an internship, if an interviewer asks if you know how to do something, you wont say um, yes, I think I would be able to do that but can say absolutely and supplement your assertion with examples. Develop New Skills: Internships can also help you diversify your background and experience. While its good to have an area of strength a focus for your career more diverse skills in a variety of fields can make you more marketable to a potential employee. This type of internship is especially important for liberal arts majors. Adding some practical job skills to your academic expertise makes you a much better candidate for any job. Do Some Comparison Shopping: Use an internship to sample various fields before choosing your major. You may not need specialized skills to do this sort of internship; many organizations rely on interns for projects that require only general skills and a good work ethic. This sort of internship gives you important insights into the typical workday in this company or field. Exploring careers in this way can help you choose a major and a future career. (From: The Benefits of Internships by Kay Peterson, Ph. D. and i-toi.com) Department Purpose The primary purpose of the internship is to give psychology majors an opportunity to integrate theory and practice. The student can translate abstract concepts and diagnoses into human experience, and to evaluate theories of human behavior in an applied setting. Through observation and interaction with clients and professionals, the internship offers the student an excellent opportunity to determine if a career in psychology is compatible with their interests and skills, and to gain experience that should be advantageous when seeking employment after graduation. Prerequisite Requirements 1. 2.75 GPA 2. At least 21 hours completed in psychology 3. Satisfactory references from faculty- 3 references are required. At least 2 faculty references must be from psychology faculty. 4. Internship Application *The Reference and Application can be completed via Qualtrics. The link and fillable forms are provided in appendices* Procedures for Applying and Securing an Internship Placement 1. Watch the Introduction to Psychology Internship video to learn about prerequisites, course requirements, recommended timelines, and expectations. 2. Submit your References and Application in Qualtrics. Links are provided in Appendix A. 3. Interview with the internship director to evaluate eligibility, explore interests, and potential sites. 4. Review the list of internship sites and begin gathering information about potential sites. 5. Develop a resume and have it reviewed at the 91ȱ Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD; 150 Reid Building) and the university internship director. 6. Schedule your follow-up meeting with the internship director to prepare for phone calls and interviews. 7. Complete interviews. 8. Once a position is accepted, complete the Job Description Form and register to attend an Internship Orientation at the Center for Career and Professional Development to finalize your placement. Steps for completing the Job Description Form and Internship Orientation are included in Appendix B. 9. Once the internship director receives notification of completion, an instructor override will be granted for the course. Interview Steps 1. The student will contact the agency to arrange an appointment. When you make this call, introduce yourself, your affiliation with the university and the psychology department, and explain that you would like to set up an interview to discuss the possibility of completing an internship with their agency. 2. Set up a time, day, and, if needed, get directions to the agency (consider the time it may take to drive there - Timeliness matters). 3. Before the interview, learn something about the organization and develop a list of questions (5 minimum) for your interview. The university internship director can also help provide you with information about the sites. This will help you generate questions to ask during the interview. *Note: Big Interview is an online system that helps educate students on how to answer typical interview questions and allows them to be scored by an AI system. Students can create an account at  HYPERLINK "https://wcu.biginterview.com/" https://wcu.biginterview.com/ by using their student email. 4. Bring your resume. This should include your educational experiences, other applied professional experiences, career goals, and any skills that may be useful in an applied setting. CCPD can help with this if needed. 5. Arrive on time and dress appropriately. While you do not have to wear a dress or suit and tie, one of the first impressions you make will be your attire. Dress professionally (e.g., a shirt and pants (not jeans) would be appropriate). 6. After the interview, follow-up with the site/interviewer(s) and thank them for their time. 7. By mutual agreement among the student, field supervisor, and internship director a decision to accept or reject the placement will be made. 8. If you decide to contract with the agency, you will need to complete the Job Description Form and register to attend an Internship Orientation at the Center for Career and Professional Development (Reid 150) to finalize your placement. *Note: Most sites will also require a background check. Registering for the internship Student will confirm their placement before receiving approval for internship, then an override will be completed by the internship director. It is the responsibility of the student to register for the appropriate course(s). How many credit hours should you register? For each 3-credit course you will complete 10 hours of field work per week. If you register for PSY 483, you will work 10 hrs/wk; PSY 483/484 (20 hrs/wk); PSY 483/484/485 (30 hrs/wk); PSY 483/484/485/486 (40 hrs/wk). Only 9 credit hours can count toward your major. If the student registers for all 4 courses, 9 credit hours will count as electives in the major and 3 credit hours as general electives. *Note: Once you register for a certain number of hours, the hours must be completed each week. If you are sick or a weather event occurs, you are expected to make up the hours. You should also plan and/or discuss expectations regarding working over university holidays and breaks since the site will be open and they are depending on you. Internship Course Requirements (see course syllabus for additional details) Attendance: Students are expected to attend class. 2. Readings: Students are responsible for reading the manual and course assigned readings. Supplemental materials will be provided by the university internship director throughout the internship process/course. 3. Reflections: Students will complete relevant reflections to further explore/examine their experience. Reflections are meant develop a sense of self-awareness and as well as successes and areas needing improvement. 4. Weekly Time Log: Students will complete a daily/weekly log. The log should include activities the student engaged, skills or techniques they are learning as well as observations and reactions to the experiences they are having. The emphasis should be on demonstrating knowledge of the role and function of the agency services and the students awareness of personal strengths and limitations of working in a field placement. These will be submitted to the university supervisor. Students will also log their hours worked at the internship site into the Job Cat system. This should occur weekly. Hours should be rounded to the nearest 15-minute mark. 5. Project: Students will complete a project on some aspect of the internship experience. Interns are encouraged to intern at least one month (or 3 weeks for summer internships) at their internship site before determining a project. The intern and the agency supervisor should work collaboratively in determining the internship project. If the site has no special needs, the university supervisor will work with you on developing a project. Your university supervisor must approve your project. 6. Program Evaluation (Student) and Internship Evaluation (Field Supervisor): Evaluation forms are provided via Job Cat. Once you log all of your required hours into your timesheet and we have reached the end of the semester, your Employer Evaluation will be sent to your field supervisor for completion. You will also complete an evaluation (Program Evaluation) about your internship site. Students should provide a copy of the supervisor evaluation form to their supervisor at the outset of their internship. Student and supervisor evaluations are due before the end of the semester. Specific due dates will be included in the syllabus. 7. Supervision: The internship supervisor will contact the field supervisor at least twice during the internship to evaluate progress, discuss problems, etc. The student intern is expected to meet weekly with internship field supervisor. Students should contact the university internship supervisor at any time during the internship should the need arise. The university internship supervisor will meet weekly with interns to complete check-ins during scheduled class time. Ethical Guidelines Students participating in internship experiences agree to abide by the same set of ethical principles as certified and licensed psychologist. These guidelines are set forth by a variety of professional organizations in psychology, including the American Psychological Association and National Association of School Psychologist to name a few. You may read the entire set of standards and ethical guideline on APAs web site. Below are a minimum set of standards interns should know and follow: 1. Confidentiality. The identity of clients, or information that would reveal the identity of clients, cannot be revealed without the specific permission of the client. The only exceptions to this are cases in which the client may be a danger to themselves or others and in cases of child/elder abuse. In such situations, there may be legal requirements that responsible agencies be informed. There are also certain legal proceedings in which case notes and other records can be ordered to be released by the courts. Interns must familiarize themselves with, and adhere to, confidentiality procedures of their placements and the laws of the state. Case material discussed in class must be prepared in such a way that confidentiality is maintained. 2. Recognition of qualifications and limitations. Interns must recognize the limitations to their training and abilities and must not exceed these in their work with clients. It is incumbent upon interns that they recognize when clinical situations are beyond their knowledge or ability. When such situations arise, interns will seek assistance from their supervisors and the instructor. 3. Identification as interns. Interns will explicitly identify themselves as interns to their clients, in reports, and in other professional activities. They will not misrepresent their training, qualifications, or status. Interns who will be at a placement for a limited time will inform clients of that limitation at the outset of services and will consider this limitation in their work with clients. 4. Record keeping. Interns will accurately and reliably maintain written and other records as required by their placement agency. 5. Dual relationships. Interns will refrain from clinical work with persons with whom the intern is involved in other types of relationships. Such dual relationships may inhibit the effectiveness of the interns clinical work and may jeopardize both the client and the trainee. For example, it would not be ethical for a trainee to take as a client someone who was a fellow student in class. Similarly, coworkers, friends, and others should not be seen as clients. 6. Prohibition regarding sexual conduct or harassment. Under no circumstances shall interns become involved in sexual or romantic relationships of any sort with clients of their placement agency. Interns will also refrain from sexual harassment and will respect the sensitivity of others regarding sexual matters. 7. Self-awareness and monitoring. Interns will monitor their own emotional and physical status and should be aware of any conditions that might adversely impact their ability to serve their clients or placement agencies. If such conditions arise, interns should inform their placement supervisor and internship supervisor/instructor. *Note: Any and all concerns should be reported to the faculty supervisor. (From: Baird, B.N. 1999. The Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook: A guide for the Helping Professions. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.) Liability Insurance Some sites may ask you to obtain liability insurance. There are several sites that offer student liability insurance (e.g.,  HYPERLINK "http://www.hpso.com/individuals" www.hpso.com/individuals). Most of the policies for undergraduates range from $30-$35 annually. 91ȱ also offers Intern Insurance to students if needed. Information regarding internship insurance can be found at:  HYPERLINK "/discover/campus-services-and-operations/facilities-management/safety-and-risk-management/risk-management-insurance-information.aspx/" /discover/campus-services-and-operations/facilities-management/safety-and-risk-management/risk-management-insurance-information.aspx/. This policy costs approximately $12.00. PART TWO: Form A: Internship Checklist PSYCHOLOGY INTERNSHIP CHECKLIST Initial Steps Prerequisites: ___1. Contact the Psychology internship director to inform them of your interest in pursuing an internship placement. ___2. Watch the Introduction to Psychology Internship Video and Review the Internship Manual. ___3. Confirm the minimum GPA (>2.75) and Psychology credit (>21) requirements. ___4. Complete the Student Application and submit three Letters of Recommendation via Qualtrics (template and Qualtrics link included in manual. See Appendix C). Preparing for Placement: ___1. Schedule an individual meeting with the internship director to explore interests, potential sites, and prepare your professional resume. ___2. Schedule a second meeting with the internship director to review potential site list and prepare for phone calls and interviews. ___3. Contact potential sites and participate in the interview process. Securing Your Placement and Registration: ___1. Register for the Internship Orientation via Job Cat through the Center for Career and Professional Development. ___2. After attending the internship orientation, complete the Job Description Form via Job Cat through the Center for Career and Professional Development. The career center, site supervisor, and internship director will review and sign digitally. ___3. Email the internship director for instructor permission to register for the course. Form B: Application Form Undergraduate Internship in Psychology Application WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Date________________ 1. NAME__________________________ 2. Student ID No. 92__________________ 3. Present Address___________________________________________________________ PO Box/Street City State Zip Code Telephone No_____________________ E-mail_________________________ 4. Permanent Mailing Address_________________________________________________ PO Box/Street City State Zip Code Telephone No_________________________ 5. Notify in Emergency: Name______________________Relationship_________________ Address____________________________________________________ Telephone__________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________ 6. List Colleges Attended: Name/Location of SchoolDates AttendedDegreeDate Awarded or ExpectedMajorMinor 7. Academic Status: _____ Fresh. _____Soph. _____ Jr. ______Sr. 8. What is your overall academic grade average?_______________ What is your grade average in psychology?_________________ 9. Semester internship desired_______________________________ 10. List Academic Honors, Scholarships, Fellowships, and Assistantships which you may have received. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 11. Participation in Extracurricular Activities (e.g., University Clubs, and/or Organizations, Student Government, etc.). _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 12. Employment Record: (Include full-time, part-time, military service, any previous internships/co-ops, and summer positions held. Indicate salary for full-time positions). FromToEmployerType of Work 13. Names and addresses of three persons that will be submitting reference form: NameDepartment/EmployerPhoneEmail Form C: Recommendation Form Undergraduate Internship in Psychology Recommendation WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY To the applicant: Complete the information in this section, then forward it the recommender. Three recommendations are required to complete your ap plication. Name____________________________________ Student Identification No. 92___________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ PO Box/Street City State Zip Code Telephone Home ( )______________________ Work ( )__________________________ The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 provides you access to any letters of recommendation written about you, but the Psychology Department believes that letters submitted in confidence carry greater weight and suggests that you waive your right of access to this letter of recommendation. I hereby [ ] waive [ ] do not waive my right of access to this letter of recommendation. Applicants Signature___________________________________________________Date______________ To the person completing this recommendation: You are requested to complete this form for the individual listed above. No decision can be made until this form is received. Name________________________________________ Position________________________________ Employer/Department__________________________ Address________________________________ Telephone Home ( )__________________________ Email__________________________________ How long have you known the applicant?__________ In what capacity?___________________ Please evaluate the applicant by placing a check in the column that most nearly represents your opinion. AreaSuperiorAbove AverageAverageBelow AverageUnable to RankIntellectual AbilityCommunicationSelf-RelianceMotivationProfessionalismTimelinessWork Ethic Please write any additional comments that might assist in making a decision about this individual: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________ Date: __________________ Form D: Job Description Form Undergraduate Internship in Psychology Job Description WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Student/Intern Name ____________________________________________ Local Address __________________________________________________ Local Phone Number ____________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________________ Name of Internship Facility ______________________________________ Supervisor __________________________________________________ Site Address __________________________________________________ Supervisor Email________________________________________________ Phone Number__________________________________________________ Internship starting date____________________________________________ Internship ending date _____________________________________________ Academic credit hours_____________________________________________ Number of hours per week at the site _________________________________ List the specific duties (*and alternative tasks/duties) that you will be engaged in as part of your internship. You will need to confer with your supervisor to develop this list. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Form E: Weekly Time Log Undergraduate Internship in Psychology Weekly Log WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY PSYCHOLOGY INTERNSHIP Western Carolina University Name: _________________ Week: ______ Dates: _______ - _______ Psychology 483/484/485/486 Internship Weekly Activity Log ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Activities/Experiences Time Spent (Hours)                      Total Work Hours____________ Supervisor Signature: ______________________ Form F: Program Evaluation Undergraduate Internship in Psychology Program Evaluation WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY This form gives you an opportunity to evaluate the Internship Program and your work assignments. Student* Employer* Anonymous* Remain anonymous when sharing program evaluations with other students. If you decide to click NO, your name will appear on the evaluation that is public for other students to view. These students may reach out to you about your experience at this organization. YesNo At the beginning of your internship this semester, please indicate your level of competency in the following areas. 5-High;3-Medium;1-Low Critical Thinking/Problem Solving* Exercise sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems. You are able to obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data in this process, and may demonstrate originality and inventiveness.  Cultural Responsiveness* An awareness of key historical and current issues surrounding race, ethnicity, gender, social class, religion, sexual identity, ability, national origin, or other identities, and practicing cultural sensitivity and respect when interacting with others.  Digital Technology* Leverage existing digital technologies ethically and efficiently to solve problems, complete tasks, and accomplish goals. You demonstrate effective adaptability to new and emerging technologies.  Leadership* Leverage the strengths of others to achieve common goals, and use interpersonal skills to coach and develop others. You are able to assess and manage your emotions and those of others; use empathetic skills to guide and motivate; and organize, prioritize, and delegate work.  Oral/Written Communication* Articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written and oral forms. You have public speaking skills; are able to express ideas to others; and can write/edit memos, letters, and other communication clearly and effectively.  Professionalism* Demonstrate personal accountability and effective work habits and understand the impact of non-verbal communication on professional work image. You demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior, act responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind, and are able to learn from your mistakes.  Self-Reflection* Identify and articulate one's skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant to ones career goals, and identify areas necessary for professional growth.  Teamwork* Build collaborative relationships with colleagues and customers representing diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, religions, lifestyles, and viewpoints. You are able to work within a team structure, and can negotiate and manage conflict.  Please indicate your CURRENT level of competency in the following areas on a scale of 1-5. 5-High;3-Medium;1-Low Critical Thinking/Problem Solving * Exercise sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems. You are able to obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data in this process, and may demonstrate originality and inventiveness.  Cultural Responsiveness. * An awareness of key historical and current issues surrounding race, ethnicity, gender, social class, religion, sexual identity, ability, national origin, or other identities, and practicing cultural sensitivity and respect when interacting with others.  Digital Technology.* Leverage existing digital technologies ethically and efficiently to solve problems, complete tasks, and accomplish goals. You demonstrate effective adaptability to new and emerging technologies.  Leadership.* Leverage the strengths of others to achieve common goals, and use interpersonal skills to coach and develop others. You are able to assess and manage your emotions and those of others; use empathetic skills to guide and motivate; and organize, prioritize, and delegate work.  Oral/Written Communication.* Articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written and oral forms. You have public speaking skills; are able to express ideas to others; and can write/edit memos, letters, and other communication clearly and effectively.  Professionalism.* Demonstrate personal accountability and effective work habits and understand the impact of non-verbal communication on professional work image. You demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior, act responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind, and are able to learn from your mistakes.  Self-Reflection.* Identify and articulate one's skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant to ones career goals, and identify areas necessary for professional growth.  Teamwork.* Build collaborative relationships with colleagues and customers representing diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, religions, lifestyles, and viewpoints. You are able to work within a team structure, and can negotiate and manage conflict.  Please indicate the degree to which the following statements describe your internship experience: My internship experience was challenging. I was constantly given tasks that were new and/or varied. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable My job duties were essential. If I had not been there, someone else would have had to perform the functions of my job. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable My supervisor (or training instructor) gave clear, explicit instructions and did so as often as I needed them.* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable My supervisor had an open-door policy. I could contact him/her whenever I needed to talk with him/her. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable I felt that my employer did everything possible to make my experience significant and meaningful. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable During this internship term I felt that I was productive for the organization. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable My training assignment was very well structured. The employer had a training plan in mind for the internship. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable I feel that I learned a great deal in my career or professional area. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable My greatest learning occurred in the personal/social area.* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable My internship confirmed my career plans. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable I believe my internship will make me more competitive in the job market when I graduate. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable I am more confident of my abilities as a result of my internship. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable My course work adequately prepared me for the skills, duties, tasks, assignments, and issues associated with this internship.* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable I recommend this employer for prospective interns. * Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable Form G: Internship/Employer Evaluation Undergraduate Internship in Psychology Internship Evaluation WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY This form should be completed by the individual in the best position to evaluate the student's training. Appraisals should be made only on those sections where supervisor feels reasonably competent to judge the individual accurately. The evaluator is encouraged to qualify his/her evaluations by utilizing the comments section at the end of the form. Student s Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Quality of work produced &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Sensitivity to problems, ability to solve them &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Accuracy and thoroughness &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Ability to work under pressure &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Effectiveness in oral communication &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Effectiveness in written communication &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Ability to learn &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Effective in preparing and organizing work &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Takes the initiative, a self-starter &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Is cooperative in working relationships with others &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Demonstrates a willingness to accept responsibility &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Practices cultural sensitivity and respect when interacting with others. &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Demonstrates effective utilization of digital technology and effective adaptability to new and emerging technologies. &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Leadership. &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Professionalism. &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Overall &Outstanding &Very Satisfactory &Satisfactory &Barely Satisfactory &Unsatisfactory &Not Applicable Assuming there were a position available and no other barriers, would you hire this student in an entry-level capacity? &yes &no Regarding professional growth and development, is this student making satisfactory progress? What suggestions do you offer? Click or tap here to enter text. What makes this student a great candidate? Click or tap here to enter text. What are your perceptions of this student's weaknesses? Click or tap here to enter text. Has this report been discussed with the student? &yes &no PART THREE: Appendix A: Qualtrics Links Internship Application: HYPERLINK "https://wcu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_25hLGuh3II90VEy"https://wcu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_25hLGuh3II90VEy Reference Form: HYPERLINK "https://wcu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eEU3qEMmeRbmAse"https://wcu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eEU3qEMmeRbmAse Appendix B: Center for Career and Professional Development/Job Cat 91ȱ's Center for Career and Professional Development connects on and off-campus employers with student talent. Our services and partnerships set out to prepare our students not only to meet the workforce needs of our region and state but to become leaders in their field. CCPD works in collaboration with the Psychology Department to assist with resume development, internship contracts, and trainings as well as identifying placement sites in the WNC community and beyond. HYPERLINK "/learn/academic-enrichment/ccpd/"/learn/academic-enrichment/ccpd/ Job Cat Students will coordinate with CCPD staff to finalize their internship placement using Job Cat. Steps for completion are provided below. Steps for Completing the Job Description Form and Internship Orientation: How to RSVP for Internship Orientation: Go to  HYPERLINK "https://jobcat.wcu.edu" Job Cat and log in with your 91ȱ credentials Click on EVENTS in the upper bar Scroll down or use the keyword search to find INTERNSHIP COURSE ORIENTATION Click the event name and then click ATTEND in the upper right Complete Job Description Form: Go to  HYPERLINK "https://jobcat.wcu.edu" Job Cat and log in with your 91ȱ credentials Click on EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING in the box under the banner Click ADD NEW EXPERIENCE Complete the form and click SUBMIT NOTE: Make sure to have accurate contact information for your supervisor and ensure there are no spelling errors in their email address or phone number. Appendix C: Placement Sites Recent and Possible Internship Placements ABCCM Ministries: Asheville, NC Annie Wilson, Ph.D., I/O Consultant, Cullowhee, NC Appalachian Community Services WNC, Waynesville, NC Asheville Academy, Asheville NC Awake, Child Abuse, Sylva, NC Beacon Transitions, Hendersonville, NC Blac89KLMNOPQRST]aefghijkl~ɷylyl\XXTXPFh+ hO J5CJhWh&hxphoThW5CJOJQJ^Jh`5CJOJQJ^Jh&5CJOJQJ^J+jhP;ehp5CJ UaJ mHnHuhO J5CJ aJ #hhO J5CJ(OJQJ^JaJ(#hhO J5CJ0OJQJ^JaJ0#hhO J5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4#hhO J5CJ8OJQJ^JaJ8hP;e5CJ8OJQJ^JaJ8hO J89KLMNOQRSTghijkl~$a$gd#p($a$gdP;e$a$gdO JgdO J~   # $ * , 6 ; < J K O P _ ` a b ~  ʾֈ|sjssah+ hKCJh+ h]CJh+ hWCJh+ hP;e5>*CJh+ h 5>*CJh+ hoT5CJ\h+ hoTCJh+ hCJh+ h5CJ\h+ hs5CJ\h+ hO J5CJ\h+ hO J5>*CJh+ hO JCJh+ h]5CJh+ hO J5CJ$$ 6 J ` a     * + = ]   4 gdRgdO J      ) * + = C E \ ] c e    4 = ǾǾоNjУDž|h+ hP;eCJ hvCJh+ h$88CJ hXtMCJh+ hRCJ hRCJ h+ CJ huECJh+ hACJh+ h+ CJh+ h CJh+ h!CJh+ h]5>*CJh+ h 5>*CJh+ h]CJ h$sCJ0= > @ x {tj`jWh+ h*TCJh+ h%>*CJh+ h*T>*CJ 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NC Child Life, Asheville, NC CNC Access, Sylva, NC Crisis Intervention Hotlines, Sylva, Clyde, Waynesville, NC Developmental Evaluation Centers, Cullowhee, Waynesville, Murphy, NC Department of Social Services, Jackson, Swain, Macon, Haywood, Buncombe Counties Eliada Home, Asheville, NC El Rophe Center, Waynesville, NC Family Visitation Center, Asheville, NC Family Resource Center, Webster, NC Full Spectrum Farms, Cullowhee, NC Guardian Ad Litem, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Haywood, Buncombe Counties Hawthorne Heights, Bryson City, NC Haywood Regional Medical Center Hospice, Waynesville, NC HIGHTS, Jackson, Macon, Haywood Counties Hinds Feet Farm, Asheville, NC Jackson County Department on Aging, Sylva, NC Jackson County Family Resource Center, Sylva, NC Jackson County Mountain Projects, Sylva, NC Jackson County Public Health Department, Sylva, NC Jackson County Public Health, Family Services Division, Sylva, NC Jackson County Recreation and Parks Dept., Sylva, NC Job Corps, Franklin, Brevard, Cherokee, NC KARE, Waynesville, NC Kids Advocacy Resource Effort, Waynesville, NC Knoxville Zoological Park, Knoxville, TN LifeSpan, Waynesville, NC Lutheran Family Services, Raleigh, NC Macon Citizens for the Handicapped, Franklin, NC Memorial Mission Hospital, Psychiatric Services, Asheville, NC Ncg CARE, Richmond VA OBerry Center, Goldsboro, NC October Road, Asheville, NC Planned Parenthood, Asheville, NC Public School Systems, Jackson, Macon, Haywood, Buncombe Counties Qualla Housing Authority, Cherokee, NC SafeLight, Asheville, NC SOAR, Balsam, NC Southwestern Community College, Sylva, NC SUWS of the Carolinas. Old Fort, NC The Community School, Sylva, NC Vecinos, Cullowhee, NC Additional sites are available: (1) Psychology Bulletin Board (3rd floor of Killian) (2) 91ȱ Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning (Belk 273) (3) 91ȱ Center for Career and Professional Development ( HYPERLINK "https://jobcat.wcu.edu" https://jobcat.wcu.edu) (4) Exploration of professional goals with the Psychology internship director *Note: With the internship facultys approval, you can find your own placement.      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