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Please select from the box below the provision that allows the University to engage in this activity. GSales Activity Is Allowed by The State's General Statute (Umstead Act):Sales Activity Questionnaire:Use of University Resources To Support The Sales Activity:#Revenue Produced By Sales Activity: Percentages:Cyclical Basis:Occasional BasisSeasonal BasisOne Time BasisCSales Actvity is engaged/conducted on the following cyclical basis:Year-Round Basis How Long? Third Year Second Year First Year Salaries Fringes Benefits Travel Rent/Leases Supplies, Postage, Printing Utilities Equipment Purchases Student GrantsTotal Expenses Contract Services Purchases for Resale,Unrelated Business Income Tax Questionnaire:1C. Miscellaneous Items: (Check applicable items)'B. Research: (Check applicable items)1A. Tax Exempt Purpose: (Check applicable items) <= 1 Year> 1 Year but < 3 Years >= 3 Years PermanentlyDon't Know but not Permanently+Don't Know - Need Assistance in Determining Department:DateProjected Costs of Activies: :Please print, sign and return to the Unversity Controller.List all University employees (professional and support staff) whose efforts directly benefit this activity that are paid from other funds, the estimated time that the employee will spend toward the activity, and the fund paying for the employee's time and effort:Fund Paid From:If equipment, supplies, travel reimbursements or other direct operating expenses will be provided by other funds for this trust fund, list the fund(s) and estimated amounts: lExplain how the funds incurring these expenses will be reimbursed and the frequency of those reimbursements:Western Carolina Universityw***Completition of the Sales Activity Questionnaire will help assure compliance with regulatory and tax requirements***ZF F7G*hH[JMN~;O. 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"`<a Services / activities are conducted for the convenience of students, faculty, and staff only.< `~~ " < Ņ)) @ >U>]6 "  "y<z Services provided are technically advanced, unique or otherwise unavailable from other business entities in the State.< >y~~ # <@ Ņ)) @ <>]6 #  "E<F The performance of this activity lessens the burden of government.< NE~~ $ < Ņ)) @A/A]6 $  "< This activity operates on a cost reimbursement basis except for cash reserves needed for working capital / replacement of equipment / or other future needs.< ~~ % <P Ņ)) @A{C]6 %  "b<c All expenditures for this activity will benefit the purpose for which the trust fund is created.< b~~ & <и Ņ)) @`H#{H]6 &  "a<b This activity involves research performed under a clinical trial or product testing agreement.< a~~ ' < Ņ)) @`F{F]6 '  "f<g Research being performed is for other governments, educational and/or not-for-profit organizations.< f~~ ( <` Ņ)) @ EE]6 (  "< Research is being conducted for commercial or industrial application (applied research) and will be able to be used by the University in its research endeavors.< ~~ ) < Ņ)) @`G{G]6 )  "< Fundamental research conducted to satisfy human curiosity (having only incidental commercial application), will use standard procedures and post intellectual questions.< .~~ * <P Ņ)) @`IUI]6 *  "< This activity is for ordinary testing or inspection of materials or products and/or the designing or construction of equipment, buildings, etc.< ~~ 0 < Ņ)) @KL]6 0  "< Activity generates rental revenue from a combination of real and personal property. Describe and list the expected percentages of each:< ~~ 2 < Ņ)) @`L{N ]6 2  "< Activity includes services such as maintenance, security, janitorial, parking, etc in the rent/lease agreements. Describe and attached a copy of the rental / lease agreement:< H~~ 5 < Ņ)) @`NUPB]6 5  "F<G Activity sells excess computer time to off-campus users. Describe:< IF~~ 7 < Ņ)) @`QR]6 7  "< Activity includes advertising or corporate sponsorship. Describe the contract and whether there is a call to action to buy from the contributor: Provide a copy of contracts.< A~~ 8 < Ņ)) @`RUT,]6 8  "< Activity involves a joint venture or partnership with a taxable organization. Describe and attach a copy of the venture or partnership agreement:< ~~ 9 < Ņ)) @TV]6 9  "z<{ Activity provides personal benefits to key employees. 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